Training Minds to Identify and Encash Opportunity for IOCL Officials

Training Minds to Identify and Encash Opportunity MDP for Senior Officials of IOCL

With much pride, IIM Amritsar inaugurated a three-day Management Development Program (MDP) on 7th September ’21 for the senior officials of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. As we are also a knowledge partner for IndianOil Institute of Petroleum Management (IiPM) this program was designed in partnership with IiPM. The Director, IIM Amritsar,Dr Nagarajan Ramamoorthy, The Executive Director of IOCL, Urvija Bajpai, Chair, Executive Education, Dr.Vartika Dutta and all the participants of the program along with the staff of IIM Amritsar attended the inauguration. The speakers threw light on the upcoming challenges in the post-pandemic scenario and realizing that the need of the hour is that the senior leaders in the organization identify new areas to innovate by questioning their own mindsets and deep-seated beliefs.

To talk about the latest addition to MDP, this program is a 3-Day program titled “Training Minds to Identify and Encash Opportunity”. It aims to provide a practical toolkit to the professionals to know how they can train their brains to alter mindsets of their own self and the teams they work in. Once they identify those hidden patterns, it will be easier for them to identify and change their own attitudes and be more responsible leaders of the future. Essentially, this program has helped participants to demonstrate empathy while designing solutions or products for customers. They were also exposed to the gamut of the strategy toolkit to navigate through the uncertain future.

The diverse mix of participants provided a platform to share varied best practices. Taking into consideration, the current scenario, the program was conducted virtually via Zoom. The sessions were facilitated by very distinguished professors of IIM Amritsar in varied domains of Metacognitive ability, Strategic Leadership, Creative and Lateral thinking, Changing Customer dynamics etc.